Thursday, March 17, 2011

We love music!

Friday's here! Terciopelo will honored it with some good music... Gnarls Barkley with Smiley Faces. Nice song for jogging by the way ;)

Non-murder tree sculpture

Hi there, it's been a while, fortunately I have a lot of work and the projects are flowing great.
I love sculpture, it amazes me, Dude & I had the fortune to meet this talented guy, Rodolfo Antonio Abella from Argentina and his exposition "DetrĂ¡s de la forma" (Behind the shape) at the Antrhopology Museum of Mexico City. Curious way to work, he used the branches of dead trees from some beach in Argentina and uses their orignal shapes to give form to the sculptures, only in certain parts he makes intervention of the wood like the woman's face (see pic). It is an impressive and perfect work.

Check out the horse's tail, is a single branch and gives the exact sensation of movement. It's a 3mt tall piece... pretty cool huh?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pics of the week

1. Lillies 2.Metamorfosis 3.Antique 4.Space chicken

Friday, March 4, 2011

Munny Contest

Great! it's friday! a good day to show you one of my favorite pieces.
Last year I took part in a Munny Contest from the guys of Vinyles Chiles and won the 2nd prize, some of them were very nice. My piece is called: "The Bunny Keeper"

The Bunny Keeper is a monster that guards a Bunny City, the only way to get in is through his mouth.